FLOTSAM & JETSAM: Trump’s deeply disloyal assault on America

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Trump’s deeply disloyal assault on America

Sam Smith – Although Trump’s assault on America’s election is largely viewed as just another of his scandals, it may well deserve a far more significant evil ranking. I can’t find a single example since the Civil War in which such a massive unconstitutional and anti-American effort has been launched.

After all, the purpose is to grossly undermine the American political system and the validity of citizen voting in order to re-elect a would-be dictator, working with the aid of Russia, who has already done unprecedented damage to our system.

This is not just scandalous; it is treasonous.

Bear in mind that Trump has not only been undermining our postal system as part of his unconscionable behavior but the Republicans are planning to spend $20 million for 50,000 “monitors” who will be used to intimidate and/or block voters.  Here’s how the NY Times described its last May:

Democrats say the Republican focus on monitors and repeated allegations of fraud are part of a coordinated strategy to depress turnout, especially by minorities, by fueling anxieties among voters already suspicious of the authorities.

…Among other things, Democrats cite Mr. Trump’s repeated demands that law enforcement officers patrol the polls and the recent creation of voter-fraud task forces by Republicans in four state governments, at least in part at the national party’s urging.

They also point to a meeting in February attended by conservative political luminaries and at least one national Republican Party official, sponsored by the Center for National Policy, a group of conservative power brokers. The topic was voter fraud and “ballot security” operations, particularly in inner cities and areas with Native American populations, according to The Intercept, which published excerpts from a recording of the meeting.

One group represented at that meeting, Texas-based True the Vote, is recruiting military veterans to become poll monitors. The group, an offshoot of a Houston Tea Party branch, was scrutinized by local prosecutors after its first poll-monitoring effort in 2012 sparked complaints of voter intimidation.

History also offers reason for Democrats’ concern. The court order vacated in 2018 involved repeated efforts to depress Democratic turnout. In the first instance, the party recruited off-duty police officers wearing “National Ballot Security Task Force” armbands to monitor polling places in black and Latino neighborhoods in New Jersey. A Democratic lawsuit claimed the officers hectored poll workers and voters and stopped volunteers from helping voters cast ballots.

There is hardly any non-violent way to act in such an anti-American fashion than to attempt to reduce citizens’ ability to vote. Trump’s efforts are not only cruel and corrupt but deeply disloyal.