FLOTSAM & JETSAM: Some reasons to vote for Biden even if he’s not progressive enough for you

Monday, August 17, 2020

Some reasons to vote for Biden even if he’s not progressive enough for you

If Biden wins:

You will have helped get rid of Donald Trump.

You will  help prevent the Supreme Court from destroying our Constitution

If you rely on postal service for documents, ballots or pills, your vote  will help them arrive on time.

You will help dismantle the immigration concentration camps established by Trump.

You will lessen chances your Social Security and Medicare will be cut.

You will be less likely to die of coronavirus.

You will be less likely to have a president who lied 20,000 times in one term.

Trump won’t get to name another 197 federal judges.

Numerous anti-environmental decisions can be reversed.

Blacks, latinos and other minorities will be treated better.

With a Democratic Senate, DC could get statehood and scores of other progressive legislation could be passed.

Your vote for Biden will help prevent the further collapse of the American republic, and increase the likelihood of progress. Even modest improvements are better than complete disaster.